We know that there is extraordinary brilliance in Network Capital. The per capita intelligence, ambition and giving spirit of NC would perhaps be among the top 5% of the world (thinking in terms of large communities and institutions, not little cliques)
Many of you are great speakers, writers, quizzers, debaters, teachers, policy makers, consultants, scientists, engineers, painters, poets, traders among others. We invite many of you (based on demand from community) to conduct masterclasses on Network Capital TV and Network Capital Insider but we also know that many more of you have it you to teach and create a viable income with it.
Our masterclasses will continue to be curated, designed and shaped by us but now you are all welcome to ALSO create and sell your own masterclass. (ALSO is a critical word here). While you might wonder that there other platforms for such an endeavor but that platform will probably not have the community effect of Network Capital. This community effect is perhaps going to be the secret sauce for your passion economy career.
Essentially like every major discovery, you stumble upon your creative genius by repeated experimentation within a community you feel safe in. The next phase of our evolution is emerge both as a community and a platform that helps you with 3 specific things over and above what we offer today.
1. A forum to share your learning: stories, books, ideas, hobbies, passion projects, skills
2. A community to conduct risk-free experiments, build your own brand and sharpen your own learning
3. A platform to monetize your passion