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About this masterclass

Frameworks for scaling organizations through clear thinking and relentless execution

The importance of following your curiosity and drawing lessons across from different disciplines.

The art of championing the ‘underdogs’ and building the right culture at large organisations

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TN Hari

TN Hari is an advisor and sounding board to numerous young entrepreneurs and startups. He is also a Strategic Advisor at ‘Fundamentum’, which is a homegrown growth phase VC fund set up by Nandan Nilekani and Sanjeev Aggarwal. Hari was the former HR Head at BigBasket.

​He has studied at IIT & IIM and worked at an executive level with multiple start- ups/scale-ups and has been through four successful exits in different industries (Daksh, Virtusa, Amba Research, TaxiForSure).

​His passion is in scaling organizations through clear thinking and relentless execution. He writes regularly on LinkedIn. LinkedIn identified him as the one of the Top Voices in India for three years in a row (2016, 2017, and 2018).

​He has Co-authored three books. The last two books were “Cut the Crap and Jargon – Lessons from the Startup Trenches” was published by Penguin; and “Cutting the Gordian Knot – India’s Quest for Prosperity” was published by Bloomsbury.
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