Book Discussion: The Last Dance of Rationality

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About this masterclass

Framework for understanding the ideology of ‘rationality’ and what it means for our future

Insights on contemporary fault-lines and strategies for navigating them

Advice for young professionals on staying relevant in an evolving world order

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Rohit Prasad

Rohit Prasad is a Professor of Economics and Public Policy at MDI Gurgaon. He has a Ph.D. in Economic Theory from SUNY Stony Brook, USA. He is the author of Start-up Sutra, a bestseller on entrepreneurship, Blood Red River, a travelogue that examines the contours of development conflict in India, and Game Sutra, drawn from a game theory-based fortnightly column for the Mint. He is also the co-author of The Dynamics of Spectrum Management on the economics and institutions of radio frequencies. Rohit is active in policy advisory services and has worked with the Reserve Bank of India, the Department of Telecommunications, and the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on a number of projects
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