Web3 and the Future of Education

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About this masterclass

Insights on up-skilling through community based learning

The roles of online educators in facilitating professional up-skilling

Nuances of life-long learning

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Liam Bekirsky

Liam is a doctoral student at the Oxford Internet Institute whose research focuses on communities of practice, from hobby and amateur groups to professional networks, which often use digital technologies to organise their knowledge-making activities. His research looks at how the representation of these communities through data visualisation alters how the members of the communities perceive the dynamics in the group. His work is at the intersection of sociology and network analysis, knowledge mobilisation, user experience design, and education. Prior to joining the OII, Liam completed a dual Master’s degree at Sciences Po Paris in Digital and New Technology and Public Policy and in Global Affairs at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in History and French Studies at Glendon College, York University, in Toronto, where he also completed his training and certification as a high school teacher (BEd).
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