Network Capital is a global community of 100,000+ bright, curious, and kind millennials who love to learn with and from each other.
The Network Capital Job Board is a market place for matching top jobs with the best candidate.
1. We help companies hire top talent for their teams
2. We help millennials find their next ‘big’ role
3. We curate a daily list of best jobs
In 2020 we helped 100+ companies hire 4000+ candidates through our platform.
Hiring is the single most important and difficult thing that companies have to do for scaling. Network Capital helps with this process by -
1. Sharing the job openings with the
community and relevant
2. Using our
data base of candidates looking for news jobs to match talent with opportunity. This makes the process of hiring quick, effective and efficient.
We have made matches happen for companies like -
Organisations interested in hiring via Network Capital can subscribe to the community and share their requirements here.
PS. - If you are interested in helping with the personal development of your employees, our CEO Fellowship might help. We do offer group subscriptions.
PPS. If you want to customise your hiring experience with Network Capital you can write to us here.
Every day our team spends hours finding the best jobs in the world. This process is a combination of -
1. Extensive research to identify top jobs
2. Our partner organisations who exclusively hire via Network Capital
3. Our incredible community members who actively share jobs in their organisations and teams.
Before any job is added in the job board, it does through a comprehensive vetting process to ensure that each job -
1. Has great potential for career progression
2. Provides our subscribers the growth opportunity they need
3. Will be relevant in the coming years