‘I don’t know what I want to do with my life’ Fellowship 

Build your ‘Category of One'
Fellows accepted on a rolling-basis | Limited slots available
It is hard to figure out what one wants to do with one’s life amidst the cacophony of everyday life complemented by our inner voice that seems to be running pillar to post at breakneck speed.

There is no formula for self-discovery. There have, however, been some attempts in the form of psychometric tests, algorithms and guided medical trials. No success stories so far but perhaps that isn’t such a bad thing. It will be a tad disappointing to know that our professional futures can be charted out by rudimentary algorithms. That said, are these rudimentary algorithms any worse than current ways of figuring out what next? Who knows..

We don’t want to make this a theoretical discussion. Let’s focus on figuring out what to do with this one crazy life that we have.
Most of life is a search for who and what needs you the most.
To have constructively think through your next steps & build your Category of One’ this fellowship will focus on - 
Learning from the top 0.1% professionals - You will hear from top professionals from around the world. They won’t attempt to inspire you or tell you how amazing they are. Instead, they will focus on explaining the role of serendipity, planning, hard work (or the seductive illusion of it), networking etc. in their work life. This will be breadth-based exposure as we don’t want you to specialize in something without knowing why you are specializing. This “first become an engineer or an MBA and then figure your life” plan does not work.
Access to curated content - It is impossible to keep up with the sheer volume of content online. Someone asks you to network hard, other argues that networking is for losers, someone makes a case for extroversion, other argues that introverts run the world. Who is right? The short answer is that it is all contextual but you already know that. This fellowship will help you figure out what to read, what to ignore and propel you to read the ten odd books you must in order to smartly make sense of the world around.
Live masterclasses and sessions - Yes, there is incredible content online. We get immense joy in bringing the best teachers to create masterclasses and podcasts for you. In this fellowship we will pick some of our absolute top quality content and engage in long-form discussions with you. Simply knowing something is not the same as engaging in it. We will also discuss selected publicly available content so that we can internalize the key principles together. It is time for in-depth immersions, not perfunctory perusals.

Who this course is for?

“Your goal in life is to find the people, business, project, or art that needs you the most. There is something out there just foryou. What you don’t want to do is build checklists and decision frameworks built on what other people are doing. You’renever going to be them. You’ll never be good at being somebody else.”

Whether you are a high school student, college senior, young graduate, mid-career professional, you will need to learn to reinvent yourself multiple times. It isn’t easy and you can’t do it alone. That said, it can be heaps on fun if you do it with a cohort of people you resonate with.

This age-agnostic fellowship will help you learn new things, read charming content, meet interesting people and discover what piques your curiosity. No one else can tell you what you should do. The decision needs to come from you but there are some proven techniques that can help figure out the problem that needs you the most. Isn’t that what your work should be about?

The fellowship journey

The fellowship will run for 5 days with hour long live sessions followed by self-learning and reflective exercises. 
  • Micro-experiments & following your curiosity
  • Vision setting 
  • Becoming a deep-generalist 
  • Build your tribe of mentors, coaches & sponsors
  • Effective decision making frameworks
  • Build your portfolio of careers 
  • Expanding your luck-surface area

Our Guest Faculty includes

Session from the previous Cohort(s)

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