Leadership Lessons & Career Principles

(Executive Vice President and President, National Transformation Partnerships at Microsoft Corp.)
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In this vodcast, Jean-Philippe Courtois shares 

How his leadership role and style evolved within Microsoft over 36 years.

Role of mentors and ways to build strong mentor-mentee relationships

Mental models to understand how corporate impact and social impact go hand in hand

Art of being a constructive contrarian and advice to his 18 year self

Nuances of cultural intelligence

Principles of work-life harmony

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Jean-Philippe Courtois

Jean-Philippe Courtois is Executive Vice President and President, National Transformation Partnerships. His focus is on transforming national economies by helping to create sustainable and inclusive growth through digital transformation, one country at a time.

Through global investment in cybersecurity, sustainability, alliances and skills for jobs, governments, citizens and businesses can leverage the world’s largest and most trusted cloud infrastructure network. As the executive sponsor of the Entrepreneurship for Positive Impact program, Jean Phillipe helps support social entrepreneurs to scale their impact through access to Microsoft’s technology, expertise, visibility and ecosystem.

He is passionate about the practice of Positive Leadership: how purpose-led leaders can generate positive energy for greater commercial success, individual happiness, team well-being and positive societal impact. He hosts the Positive Leadership podcast, where he speaks with leaders who can energize and inspire people to bring their very best by connecting their personal missions to their organizations’ purpose and drive positive change in the wider world.

Outside of Microsoft, Jean-Philippe spends much of his time working with the Live for Good foundation, which he co-founded with his family in 2015. The foundation aims to unlock the potential of young people from all walks of life through social entrepreneurship, driving societal innovation through a purpose-led community.  
Jean-Philippe joined Microsoft in 1984. He recently led Microsoft’s commercial business across 124 subsidiaries worldwide as Executive Vice President and President, Global Sales, Marketing & Operations. In this role, Jean-Philippe helped build vibrant ecosystems with small businesses, start-ups, public sector entities and partners, all the way to global industry leaders.

He is a SKEMA Business School graduate and has been chairman of the Board of Directors since 2017. Jean Philippe also served as co-chairman of the World Economic Forum's Global Digital Divide Task Force and on the European Commission’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Task Force.
He sits on the board of directors for ManpowerGroup, the global workforce solutions organization.
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