Frequently asked questions

What is Network Capital?

Network Capital is a subscription-enabled career content community for those interested in building a meaningful career and a powerful network. While the Network Capital experience for each subscriber is unique and tailored for their requirements, some popular use-cases for Network Capital are - 

1. Applications for top B-Schools and Masters programmes. 
2. Mentoring for making crucial career decisions. 
3. Support and guidance for career transitions and pivots.
4. Cohort-Based Fellowships with learning, upskilling, and personal development. 
5. Verified and trusted community for professional growth and networking through online and offline events, subgroups, and 1:1 connections.

You can read more us and our team here.

Who uses Network Capital?

Network Capital is for anyone who is interesting in taking their career to the next level. Subscribers use Network Capital for long-term career planning by achieving short-term goals.

Our members are largely between the ages of 16 to 35. However, the youngest member is 14, and the oldest is 75. We are not geographically bound; our members are spread across 104 countries.

How can I make the most out of my subscription? Where do I start?

While there is no one way in which people use Network Capital; a helpful rule of thumb is to -
1. Block 2 hours every week to grow through our content - newsletter, masterclass, and podcasts. 
2. Enrol in our cohort-based fellowship to augment your personal development. 
3. Sign up for a networking session via The Serendipity Tool.
4. Tune into our weekly (online & offline) events. 
5. Join relevant subgroups to stay updated in your areas of interest/geography. 

We strongly believe in the power of getting 1% better every day - all of our content and services are designed with this principle in mind.

How can I connect with other community members?

You can post on the community forum or subgroups. You can also meet other members through online and offline events - The Serendipity Tool is a great option. You will find all member details in the directory. 

How many mentoring sessions can I book? Who will be my mentor?

You can book as many sessions as you would like.  Each mentoring session is for 15 minutes and is held everyday from 6pm to 9pm (IST). We match our mentor-mentee pairs based on the mentees requirements and mentor availability.

You can receive mentoring from anyone who has created content for Network Capital. All you have to do is - watch their masterclass/podcast and then book a mentoring session. 

I would like to gift a Network Capital subscription. How can I do that?

You can gift a Network Capital subscription here.

How big is the Network Capital community?

We are a community of 100,000+ millennials from 112 countries. 50% of Network Capital subscribers are women.

Why is content, community and, and career intelligence important on Network Capital?

Network Capital initially started as an online community of millennials interested in professional growth and networking. As the online community grew, content creating became an organic byproduct. Our members volunteered to create masterclasses sharing their professional experiences and journeys. Career Intelligence emerged as a combination of the content and community. It provides our subscribers with the personalised mentoring and guidance they need to succeed. 

Today we have a community of over 100,000 members from 112 countries who have created 3000+ hours of content and conducted 10,000+ hours of 1:1 mentoring sessions. 

What all is included in the Network Capital subscription?

The Network Capital subscription provides you COMPLETE access to everything that we do. This includes - content, 1:1 mentoring, community, fellowships, and other subscriber perks.

I want to buy a group subscription for Network Capital with my friends/family. How can I do that?

We offer annual group subscriptions for four or more people. You can subscribe here.

How can I buy a Network Capital subscription for my employees?

Many organisations, including the Acumen Fund, have bought Network Capital subscriptions for the personal development of their employees. You can do the same for your organisation here.

If you need any assistance or want to get a customised Network Capital experience for your employees, you can write to us here.

Will there be any additional charges for specific services?

No, only the subscription fee.


As a subscriber what all content do I get access to?

Content on Network Capital is created by the best in the world. As a subscriber, you get complete access to all Network Capital content. This includes - 
1. Masterclasses 
2. Podcasts
3. Newsletters 

Who creates Network Capital masterclasses?

All Network Capital masterclasses are created by the top 0.1% professionals in the world. 

They are created by Network Capital subscribers who have done interesting things and have had great personal impact. Some of our Masterclass hosts include -
1. Nobel Laureate, Dr. Robert Shiller
2. Affective CEO & Cambridge PhD, Dr. Rana el Kauibly 
3. Microsoft VP for global sales, marketing, and operations, Jean-Philippe Courtois
3. Indian Parliamentarian and author, Dr. Shashi Tharoor

What is the Network Capital podcast? What does it cover?

The Network Capital podcast ranks in the 2.8% top podcasts in the world. 

In our podcasts we do a deep-dive on career principles and trajectories of our guests to help millennials learn frameworks and insights across sectors, industries, and geographies.

How can I subscribe to the Network Capital newsletter?

The Network Capital newsletter is one of the largest subscription-enabled newsletter in the Indian Subcontinent. You can subscribe to get access to the newsletter here.

PS. All Network Capital subscribers get access to the newsletter.

How frequently are new masterclasses, podcasts, and newsletters created?

New masterclasses and podcasts are created every week. In 2020, we have a minimum of one podcast and one masterclass every week.

Newsletters are written four times a week, and will be delivered to your inbox on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.

What will get to read in the Network Capital newsletter?

The Network Capital newsletters are written with the principles of making the readers a little smarter everyday. The newsletters carry - profiles on interesting people, long-form analysis on mental models and career principles, and curated recommendations of smartest articles.

How can I create a masterclass for Network Capital?

We welcome all Network Capital subscribers to send their pitch for a masterclass. It could be anything that they uniquely know well or have experienced. 

You can write to us here.


What is the serendipity tool? How can I use it for networking?

Every alternate Thursday and Saturday we facilitate connections between Network Capital subscriber in groups of 3-4 people based on shared interests and backgrounds. The Serendipity Tool operates with a combination of -

1. Our AI Algorithm that matches you to two other members based on the areas of interests you share. The idea is to not create predictable matches of ‘like’ people, but to have a balance of comfort, surprise and delight in each of the group matches our algorithm recommends. 

2. Circumventing the scheduling and small-talk. Most conversations (especially with acquaintances) tend to start with a tinge of awkwardness and a plethora of emails for scheduling. We avoid this by having a weekly fixed slot for the session and by sharing prompts and context for each group to get all Serendipity Tool Sessions started. As we take care of the logistics and the experience, we expect all members to show up on time and be respectful in their conversations

3. The shared context of the Network Capital community. Over the past couple of years, we have worked on multiple products, helped numerous people get to their dream job and college, found many meaningful partnerships; but amongst all of this we value and cherish the Network Capital community we have build the most.

With the Serendipity Tool, we want help members build shared experiences and and relationships. We have never been an advocate for networking for the sake of networking. Instead, we believe in the potential of random encounters, serendipity and meaningful conversation.

What are Network Capital subgroups? How can I join?

Network Capital subgroups are city and industry based groups within the Network Capital subscription community. Subscribers use them to learn and connect on niche topics and specific interests.

We have over 100+ subgroups. These are lead by Network Capital leaders who curate the experience for their respective subgroups. You can read more here.

How can I add someone I know to the Network Capital community?

Each and every member on Network Capital is peer-verified. For you to invite someone to Network Capital, you can - 
1. Gift them a Network Capital subscription.
2. Ask them to subscribe to Network Capital.

How can I leverage the Network Capital community to get help with X?

The best way to get support and guidance from other community members is to post on the Network Capital group with - 
1. Your introduction
2. Specific details and context of your request

PS. some people also add what they can help others with - always helps to add value. 

What are Network Capital Happy Hours? How can I join in?

Network Capital Happy Hours are a casual weekly checkin with subscribers dailing in from all over the world. They are held every Wednessday at 10pm IST.

I’m working on a personal project and would like to meet other members who I can collaborate with.

Network Capital is a great place to meet new people doing interesting things. The best way to find potential collaborators is to -
1. Join in on the events - online and offline. 
2. Sign up for the Serendipity Tool.
3. Post on the group with an introduction and your interest.
4. Join the relevant subgroup

Who are Network Capital leaders?

All Network Capital city groups and industry groups are lead by Network Capital leaders. These leaders are subscribers who either reside in the specific geography or work in the given industry. 

You can find details of some of our leaders here.

Career Intelligence

What is the serendipity tool? How can I use it for networking?

Every alternate Thursday and Saturday we facilitate connections between Network Capital subscriber in groups of 3-4 people based on shared interests and backgrounds. The Serendipity Tool operates with a combination of -

1. Our AI Algorithm that matches you to two other members based on the areas of interests you share. The idea is to not create predictable matches of ‘like’ people, but to have a balance of comfort, surprise and delight in each of the group matches our algorithm recommends. 

2. Circumventing the scheduling and small-talk. Most conversations (especially with acquaintances) tend to start with a tinge of awkwardness and a plethora of emails for scheduling. We avoid this by having a weekly fixed slot for the session and by sharing prompts and context for each group to get all Serendipity Tool Sessions started. As we take care of the logistics and the experience, we expect all members to show up on time and be respectful in their conversations

3. The shared context of the Network Capital community. Over the past couple of years, we have worked on multiple products, helped numerous people get to their dream job and college, found many meaningful partnerships; but amongst all of this we value and cherish the Network Capital community we have build the most.

With the Serendipity Tool, we want help members build shared experiences and and relationships. We have never been an advocate for networking for the sake of networking. Instead, we believe in the potential of random encounters, serendipity and meaningful conversation.

What are Network Capital subgroups? How can I join?

Network Capital subgroups are city and industry based groups within the Network Capital subscription community. Subscribers use them to learn and connect on niche topics and specific interests.

We have over 100+ subgroups. These are lead by Network Capital leaders who curate the experience for their respective subgroups. You can read more here.

Network Capital Use-Cases

I’m planning on applying for my MBA. How can I use Network Capital resources.

Every year 100s of Network Capital members make it to top Business Schools all over the world. We help them through our - 

1. Masterclasses
2. Weekly MBA Bootcamps
3. 1:1 mentoring
4. Connection with alums and mock interviews
5. Subgroups 

You find all MBA related resources here. We also have specific guides for MBA applications for Harvard, Stanford, Kellogg, Wharton, INSEAD, Oxford, etc.




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