The Most Unconventional Way of Breaking Into Venture Capital

Rahul Rana | Lux Capital
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About this masterclass

Breaking into Lux Capital with a cold email.

Negotiating with failure for personal growth and reflection

Ideas on moonshots, deep-tech, and investing.

Experience of following your personal interests for professional success.

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Rahul Rana

Rahul Rana is a venture builder and investor with specialties in finance and astrophysics. He works for Lux Capital, a $2.5bn deeptech venture capital firm. 

He is the author of Making Moonshots—a deep dive into the mindsets, philosophies, and strategies conducive to building moonshot companies. "Moonshot company" entails three things: taking an advanced science or deep technology and using it in a radical solution to solve a big problem in the world. 

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