Book Discussion: Desperately Seeking Shah Rukh

Shrayana Bhattacharya
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About this masterclass

The evolution of the ‘female gaze’ across three generations 

Insights on liberalisation & female workforce participation from the lens of loneliness and care

Lessons on structuring your writing and finding your ‘voice’.

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Shrayana Bhattacharya

Shrayana Bhattacharya trained in development economics at Delhi University and Harvard University. Since 2014, in her role as an economist at a multilateral development bank, she has focused on issues related to social policy and jobs. Prior to this, she worked on research projects with the Centre for Policy Research, SEWA Union and Institute of Social Studies Trust. Her writing has appeared in the Indian Express, the Hindustan Times, EPW, Indian Quarterly and The Caravan. She lives in New Delhi.
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