Employee to Entrepreneur: A founder's guide to starting up

Rajiv Srivatsa | Partner, Antler India
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Frameworks for evaluating if you’re ready to take the leap as a founder

Nuances of building a successful venture backed startup

Antler India’s Residency program to enable founders

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Rajiv Srivatsa

Rajiv is a Partner in the Antler Bangalore office, where he is leading the deployment of Antler in India. Rajiv co-founded Urban Ladder (UL), India's top omni-channel furniture brand. Over ~8 years, UL raised over $100Mn in venture capital from top Indian VCs, and changed the way Indians shop for furniture online. Prior to Urban Ladder, he served as a Senior Product Manager with Yahoo. He has been featured on GQ Influential Young Indians and repeatedly on the Fortune 40 Under 40 India list. Rajiv loves working with early-stage entrepreneurs on product, culture and brand to build scalable companies.
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