Leadership Lessons

Anisa Mirza | YC Alumna and Founder of Tiny Broadway
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Mental models for building products that customers actually use.

Learning of grit and resilience from a multicultural childhood.

The journey of addressing foundational literacy with storytelling and creativity.

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Anisa Mirza

Anisa Mirza is a software entrepreneur, passionate about the intersection of technology and social causes. A 2x founder, Mirza is a Y Combinator alum and named Forbes Top 30 Under 30 Social Innovators for 2016.

She is the Founder and President of Tiny Broadway, the leading education platform for arts and theatre experiences. Her first company, Giveffect, is the all-in-one software for nonprofits across North America, processing over $24 Million in donations annually. As Founder, and former CEO of Giveffect, Anisa turned a $120,000 investment into a company valued at $15 Million today. She continues to be a proud majority shareholder in Giveffect inc. 

As an immigrant to America who is also the daughter of immigrants, Anisa hopes to inspire more women and minority founders to follow their passion and become creators of their own startups. She is a fierce voice for diversity in the startup community. Originally from Canada, Anisa is Pakistani-Italian by heritage. She migrated to San Francisco, USA in 2015 after getting accepted into the prestigious Y Combinator program. 

Anisa currently serves as an advisor and startup growth coach for business looking to tell better stories to enhance their sales. Anisa is a frequent public speaker and host of Startup Hour - a live stream show for founders, by founders.

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