Gender and Inclusion with Disability Rights Activist

Dr. Malvika Iyer
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About this masterclass

Turning adversity to competitive strength

Nuances of inclusion from a gender lens.

Lessons on grit

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Dr. Malvika Iyer

Dr. Malvika Iyer is an award-winning disability rights activist with a doctorate in social work. She has been the subject of over 300 international newspaper articles, TV interviews, books and magazines, earning her a spot among the 100 Change Agents and Newsmakers of the Decade.

With 7 years of experience in motivational speaking, mental health advocacy and diversity training, Malvika has spoken globally, advocated and raised awareness on several issues such as inclusion, gender equality, child rights, accessibility and more. She has given keynote speeches and TED talks, conducted workshops and seminars in over 100 educational institutions, private corporations, NGOs and youth forums around the world, including- the United States of America, Singapore, India, Norway, Indonesia and South Africa. She has a strong online presence with verified accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, which enables her to engage one-on-one with millions of people.

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