Principles for Creating the Next-Gen Fintech 

Rohit Taneja | Founder & CEO, Decentro | YC S20
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About this masterclass

Unpacking the fin-tech ecosystem in India and the opportunities that exist 

Mental models for building effective products and teams

Experience of founding and scaling a startup amidst a pandemic

The Y Combinator experience and learnings from previous ventures

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Rohit Taneja

An IIT-graduate with over 6 years of experience in Fintech, Rohit founded Decentro in his pursuit to help businesses reduce integration time by ~10X and capital expenditure by ~80%. Rohit co-founded his first venture Mypoolin in 2015 which was the country’s first social payments platform and a payments infrastructure provider. After raising two rounds of funding, Mypoolin was acquired by a California-based global payments player Wibmo in 2017, which in turn was acquired by Naspers-backed PayU in 2019.

As the Director of Engineering, Rohit had encountered the same hurdles when leading the India and SEA markets in terms of their payment gateway and banking integrations, which inspired him to raise a solution. 

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