This is longtime NC member Taylor Jacobson writing to y’all from NYC.
Until a few years ago, I had been a high performer my whole life—got high marks in school, went to Duke, joined a top consulting firm, even helped launch Teach For India, a high profile NGO.
Then in 2011, things went haywire. My company’s office moved locations, and I begged my boss to let me work from home to avoid the terrible commute. She agreed, begrudgingly—and rightfully so, because what followed was a disaster.
In short, my productivity fell apart. Before long, I was having another conversation with my boss—this time, us agreeing it was time for me to go. I felt pathetic and ashamed.
I came to understand that while I didn’t love working at an office, I did benefit from the structure, accountability, and human connection it provided. I missed those things; maybe I needed those things.
That struggle led me on a quest: I wanted to learn everything I could about human potential—and what gets in its way.
I studied behavioral science, read everything I could find about personal growth, and went on to become an executive coach with clients like Yale, Cornell, and Wharton.
Then in 2015, still struggling with procrastination, I tried a new experiment:
How does it work?
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