The Great Resignation. Is it real? by Bhuvan Gupta
The Public Speaking Fellowship
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Introducing Bhuvan
Until mid-September 2021, Bhuvan was a start-up guy who had ~9 years of building & monetizing digital business grounds up and growing them at a pace.
In his previous avatar, he learned a lot (genuinely), grown at a breathtaking speed (while competing with others) & took huge pride (leading to insecurity).
And then fine day, he decided to let it all go. Why? It was brewing for quite some time. It wasn't a matter of why but more of when.
Now, who's real Bhuvan- An extremely curious thinker from a T-3 town of India (Jammu) who gets overwhelmed and awed by almost everything in life be it new construction/process, how the internet and technology work in bringing people & business closer, why & how the relationship works, how a child can re-ignite the child within you, how people can amass so much wealth, etc.
In simple words even after 34 years- he's still kind of naive & childlike curious.
Lately, from being externally directed for all his happiness benchmarks be it job, position, wealth (read FOMO), health, greed, procrastination, etc he's transitioning/exploring within to answer questions he's been googling/YouTubing out thus far.
You can connect with him for the love of a genuine conversation (non-judgemental), reading, comics, movies & value investing.
This talk was a part of the Public Speaking Fellowship
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